Want more customization on your ChurchSpring site? You got it!
We just released two new features to give you even more freedom to create a unique church website while still easily updating and maintaining your church website!
Global Live Streaming
Do you use Facebook Live, YouTube, or another platform to live stream your services? Simple copy/paste your live stream platform’s URL into your ChurchSpring website. That’s it! Your website visitors can view your upcoming live streams and be directed right to your live stream event.
Live streaming is only available in the Grow and Flourish plans.

Edit Anywhere
Want to edit almost any text on your site? Now you can! Update the middle services bar, home page section headers, the Give button text, and so much more! Simply click the pencil icon, update the text, and hit Save!

Begin your live streaming journey today to boost outreach, engagement, and ministry impact in your community. Sign up for a free ChurchSpring trial and access our live stream feature. Learn more about live streaming with ChurchSpring.