10 Questions to Ask Your Church Website Provider About Customer Support

Ensure you choose the right church website provider by asking these 10 key questions about their support offerings.
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Choosing a church website provider is a big deal. It’s not just about having a nice-looking site; it’s about making sure your church’s digital home runs smoothly and serves your community well. Imagine dealing with constant technical issues, poor security, or unresponsive support. 

Frustrating, right? 

According to Forrester, poor customer service experiences are expensive. The cost of failing to meet customer expectations is high. 75% of consumers move to another channel when online service fails. Imagine the impact on your church when your website is down or a critical feature is not working correctly. Potential new visitors might get frustrated and leave, current members may feel disconnected, and crucial donations could be lost. 

That’s why getting the right support is crucial. Ensuring reliable and responsive customer support for your church website is vital to maintain a smooth and engaging online experience for your community. To help you avoid these headaches, here are ten questions you need to ask about their support offerings.

1. What Are Your Support Hours?

Knowing when you can reach out for help is essential. Ask if support is available during specific hours and what those hours are. 

ChurchSpring provides No Wait Support, allowing you to schedule a support appointment that fits your schedule. This ensures you receive timely assistance for any issues, whether it’s a website crash during an event or help needed with your online giving setup. 

2. How Quickly Do You Respond to Support Requests?

Response time is everything when you’re facing an issue. Ask about their average response time for support tickets and if they offer expedited support for urgent matters. 

Picture this: your website goes down right before a big event. You need to know that you’ll get a quick response. Long response times can leave you hanging during critical moments, but quick responses can keep everything running smoothly.

3. What Channels Are Available for Support?

Different providers offer various support channels, such as email, phone, live chat, and support forums. Make sure the provider offers a support channel that suits your preferred communication method. If you prefer speaking directly with a support agent, ensure they offer phone support. 

If you like written records of your interactions, email support might be best. Having multiple channels ensures flexibility. You might need immediate help via live chat or phone call for urgent issues or prefer email or video for detailed technical inquiries.

ChurchSpring VIP Support offers comprehensive support through multiple channels, including email, phone, and vide ensuring you get the help you need when you need it.

4. Do You Provide Training Resources?

Access to training resources is a game-changer. Ask if the provider offers tutorials, webinars, and documentation. Detailed video tutorials can guide you through tasks like setting up an event calendar, while webinars can offer deeper insights into website customization. This way, your team can handle common issues independently, reducing the need for constant support.

 Group training is also incredibly valuable. For example, with ChurchSpring’s support, you can attend group training to learn from other ministry leaders and ChurchSpring’s Customer Success Specialists. This way, your team can handle common issues independently, reducing the need for constant support.

“For any small to medium sized church that enjoys fast feedback and support from their website hosts, this is a must when considering your options.”

Joseph U., Village Bible Church

5. Can You Assist with Domain Management?

Domain management can be tricky, especially if you’re not tech-savvy. Ask if the provider offers assistance with domain setup and management. Setting up a new domain or transferring an existing one can be complicated without guidance. 

Having support ensures your domain is properly configured, avoiding potential downtime. This service saves you time and ensures your domain is set up correctly from the start. Updating your domain is a breeze with ChurchSpring’s guide on how to update your Church Domain Name on ChurchSpring.

6. What Is Your Approach to Security?

Security is a top priority for any website. Ask about their security measures, such as SSL certificates, regular backups, and protection against cyber threats. If your provider offers automatic daily backups, you can easily restore your site if something goes wrong. 

Ensuring your website is secure protects your church’s data and builds trust with your congregation. Regular security audits and updates are essential to maintaining a safe online environment. Your church website provider should also be educating their users on best practices to maintain your church website’s password security.

7. Do You Offer Customization Support?

Customization helps your website reflect your church’s identity. Ask if the provider offers support for customizing website templates and features outside of the ready-to-go template. If you want to add a unique feature like a prayer request form or add an events highlight moduleon your homepage, it’s essential to know you have support to bring your vision to life

This ensures your site can grow and evolve with your church’s needs. Customization support helps maintain a fresh and engaging website.

8. Can You Help Improve Our Search Engine Rankings?

Good SEO is crucial for increasing your website’s visibility. Ask if the provider offers SEO support and tools to help you optimize your content. Improving search engine rankings and knowing how to improve your church’s local search visibility make it easier for people to find your church online, driving more traffic to your site.

9. What Is Your Process for Handling Updates and Maintenance?

woman writing on the board while holding a laptop

Regular updates and maintenance are vital for keeping your website running smoothly. Ask about their process for rolling out updates and handling maintenance tasks. Providers that schedule regular maintenance windows ensure your site stays updated with the latest features and security patches. 

Knowing how they manage updates gives you peace of mind that your site will remain updated and functional. With ChurchSpring’s support feature, there’s no need to follow up or wait weeks for a solution. You’ll receive prompt solutions and status updates, ensuring your site is always at its best.

“Excellent customer support and constantly improving features. It’s nice to know we can get help quickly and it shows that you really listen to your customer’s needs.”

Tim B., My Faith Christian Center

10. Can You Provide Testimonials from Other Churches?

Hearing from other churches gives you insight into the provider’s support quality. Ask for testimonials or case studies that highlight their support services. A testimonial might describe how quick and effective their support was during a critical event, giving you confidence in their service. This helps you gauge their reliability and effectiveness.

Maximize Outreach with Excellent Support

Effective support enhances your church’s online outreach. By asking these key questions, you ensure that your church website provider can meet your needs and help you maintain a strong digital presence. Ready to enhance your church’s website experience? Sign up for a free trial of ChurchSpring and get access Or join us in a free ChurchSpring demo to see how you can revolutionize your church’s website.

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