What Should I Post on my Church Website Blog? Ideas For Your Website

Discover engaging and inspiring content ideas for your church website blog, including testimonies, devotionals, community events, and more.
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In This Article

Feeling stuck about what to post on your church website blog? You’re not alone. Many church leaders struggle with creating engaging content that resonates with their congregation. It can be frustrating staring at a blank screen, knowing the potential impact of a well-crafted blog but unsure where to start.

Your church blog can be a powerful tool for connecting with your community, sharing inspiring messages, and keeping everyone informed about what’s happening. From providing spiritual nourishment and highlighting community events to offering practical advice and showcasing unique stories within your church, the possibilities are endless. 

By diversifying your blog content, you can keep your readers engaged and coming back for more. Let’s dive into some impactful ideas for your church website blog, explore different online resources that can contribute, and discuss how AI can assist in creating compelling content. With the right approach, your church blog can become a cornerstone of your digital ministry.

Highlight and Encourage Members

1. Testimonies and Personal Stories

Sharing personal stories and testimonies can deeply resonate with your congregation. These posts can be written by members of your church, offering their experiences and how their faith has guided them through challenges. 

A story about finding faith after a major life event or how the church supported a family during difficult times can inspire and strengthen the faith of others.

2. Devotional Thoughts and Reflections

man reading the bible with phone beside

Devotional posts can provide spiritual nourishment throughout the week. These can include reflections on scripture, daily devotionals, or insights from church leaders. Encourage different leaders within your church to contribute their unique perspectives. 

For example, a pastor might share a weekly reflection on a specific Bible verse, while a church member writes about how a recent sermon inspired their daily life. For additional resources, you can also recommend websites like Crosswalk for daily devotionals and scripture reflections.

3. Community Spotlights and Events

Highlighting community events and member achievements can foster a sense of connection and pride within your church. These posts can include profiles of long-time members, recaps of recent events, and announcements of upcoming activities. Showcasing an event is also a great effective strategy to promote your church event.

For instance, spotlighting a volunteer who has made a significant impact or recapping a recent community outreach event with photos and member quotes can engage and inspire your congregation.

Make the Most of Seasonal and Special Posts

4. Seasonal Reflections and Celebrations

Seasonal posts are a great way to engage with your community around common themes. Whether it’s Christmas, Easter, or the start of a new school year, these posts can connect your church’s activities with the larger cultural and spiritual calendar. 

Reflecting on the significance of Advent and how to prepare spiritually or offering tips for maintaining faith practices during the busy holiday season can resonate with your readers.

5. Sermon Takeaways and Applications

Write about key takeaways from recent sermons to help extend the message beyond Sunday services. This can include practical applications of the sermon’s teachings, discussion questions for small groups, and ways to live out the sermon in daily life. 

Summarizing the main points of a recent sermon and suggesting ways to apply them during the week or creating a discussion guide for small groups to delve deeper into the sermon topics can be very effective. 

6. Commentary on Current Events

woman on computer with flowers on the table

Your church blog can also address current events and issues from a faith-based perspective. This can help your community navigate the complexities of the world with a grounded, spiritual viewpoint. 

To make organizing and promoting these events easier, use ChurchSpring’s Event Calendar. Say goodbye to outdated events—schedule events with ChurchSpring’s intuitive social media scheduler for churches, add registration, and more with the complete church events calendar. This ensures your seasonal reflections and celebrations are well-planned and reach the maximum number of people in your community.

Discuss a recent local event and how the church community can respond or provide a faith-based perspective on national or global issues to make your blog relevant and insightful. 

7. Quarterly Look at Upcoming Events and Happenings

Keeping your congregation informed about upcoming events is key to maintaining engagement. A quarterly blog post that outlines what’s on the horizon can build anticipation and encourage participation. 

Outline the major events planned for the next three months or highlight special services, guest speakers, or mission trips to keep your congregation excited and involved.

Explore Various  Contributions

8. Highlight Guest Authors from Your Church Community

Having guest authors from within your church community write an article can add depth to your church blog. Invite speakers, authors, or board members to share their wisdom to provide valuable insights. They can write about their personal faith journeys, experiences in ministry, or reflections on current events from a spiritual perspective. This can engage readers and offer a variety of viewpoints.

9. Tips for Effective Online Giving

Given the rise of digital donations, providing tips and insights on effective online giving can be very helpful. This can include tutorials on how to use your church’s giving platform and explaining the benefits of different types of donations. 

A step-by-step guide on using your church’s online giving portal or testimonials from members who find online giving convenient and impactful can be valuable additions. Highlighting these effective strategies can significantly boost your church’s donations

Leverage ChurchSpring Features

10. Maximize Your Church’s Social Media

Incorporating social media into your church blog strategy can greatly enhance your reach and engagement. Use tools that allow you to schedule your social media posts in advance, so you can seamlessly promote sermons, events, or blog updates.

Create a schedule for your church’s social media promotions to help maintain a steady flow of content and keep your congregation engaged. ChurchSpring’s Social Scheduler automatically integrated into your church website can help you save time by scheduling your church’s social media promotions directly from your blog.

For instance, after publishing a new blog post, you can schedule social media updates that highlight key points and encourage your followers to read the full article. This approach not only saves time but also ensures that your blog content reaches a wider audience.

Inspire and Engage with Your Church Blog

Your church blog is a versatile tool that can engage, inspire, and inform your congregation. Ensuring your church website is easy to navigate and visually appealing can also enhance your blog’s effectiveness.  ChurchSpring’s website builder offers tools to help you secure and manage your church’s domain name effectively, ensuring a seamless and professional online presence.

“ChurchSpring has been such a blessing to our ministry! Our website is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and current! We appreciate all the updated features as well. We know ChurchSpring is working to keep us relevant!”

Madeline C., Fellowship Bible Church

Ready to take your church’s digital presence to the next level? Sign up for a free trial of ChurchSpring and join us in a free ChurchSpring demo to see how you can revolutionize your church’s website.

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