CSL 009 – How can I save time and grow my church by repurposing content for my church website?

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Welcome to ChurchSpring Live, Episode 009!

What You'll Learn

Are you stuck trying to think up new content ideas for your church website and social media? Overwhelmed with trying to serve your members beyond Sunday? Did you know your church is already a hub of content creation? [truncate] In ChurchSpring Live Episode 009, you'll learn how to recycle this valuable content on your church website to maximize your time and effectively reach your church and community. Rohn and Isabelle share tips to easily repurpose content, show you how to effectively reach members who can’t attend your service in person, and offer practical methods to optimize your church website content.

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Show Notes

  • Welcome to ChurchSpring Live, Episode 009 - What to expect (00:01:59)
  • Why is having content on my church website important? (00:10:48)
  • Why is repurposing content important for my church website? (00:18:07)
  • What does it mean for my church to be a content hub? How do I create more content without spending a ton of time? (00:22:46)
    • Every service generates valuable, reusable content!
    • Examples of how to recycle your content include:
      • Worship Set
      • Announcements
      • Sermon (scripture passage, main points, main theme, action items, transcript, pull quotes, podcast, video/audio, video clips)
  • How can my church create reusable content? What tools can I use to do this quickly and efficiently? (00:40:57)
    • Sermon Sharing - ChurchSpring
    • Social Media Scheduling - ChurchSpring, HootSuite, MeetEdger
    • Video Clips - Zubtitle.com, Clip Champ, iMovie, Camtasia, Screenflow
    • Transcripts - Volunteer at your church, Rev.com (human and automation transcripts)
    • Graphics (ie quote images etc) - Canva, WordSwag
    • Podcast - ChurchSpring is your feed that goes to Apple, Google etc
  • Action Time!  (00:58:08)
    • Action Item #1: Create a content calendar. Check out this content calendar outline we shared in ChurchSpring Live 007.
    • Action Item #2: Get 1% better this week and every week moving forward
  • New ChurchSpring Feature Highlight: Member Directory Notes feature to internally communicate about members and visitors (01:07:53)
  • Q&A (01:15:45)
  •  Wrap Up (01:18:25)
    • Join us next week in ChurchSpring Live Episode 010 to learn how you can optimize your church website to disciple your church members and equip them to reach their community.


Isabelle Faletti (00:00:55): Hello, and thank you so much for joining us today for ChurchSpring Live episode 0 0 9. My name is Isabelle Faletti and I am a part of the customer happiness team. Joining me today is co-founder Rohn Gibson. Rohn Gibson (00:01:09): Good morning, everyone. Isabelle Faletti (00:01:11): I would love to know who is joining today for us for this Live event. So if you haven't already make sure to introduce your church name and add your location, where you're from in the comments below this video, you will need to give Stream Yard access so that we can showcase your name and just welcome you to this event. It looks like we already have quite a few introducing themselves. Douglas, welcome from Omaha, Sherry from Nashville. I love this. This is, this is exciting. As always, I am very excited and looking forward to today's content. We are going to be talking about how you can be creating and reusing content for your website. Isabelle Faletti (00:01:59): You already have access to tons of valuable content that you can really easily reuse on your church website on your social media. You just have to know where to look for it and how to use it. So for those of you who are new to ChurchSpring welcome, we are again, excited to have you as part of this little community that we're building ChurchSpring is a software provider and we're committed to the great commission. So we love to help church leaders by putting together really valuable tools, such as ChurchSpring live. We, mre focused on church websites, mo help grow the local church for the glory of Christ. So again, welcome to ChurchSpring. Welcome to ChurchSpring Live. Umohn, I know that you have a few announcements before we dig into amazing valuable content today on this episode. Rohn Gibson (00:02:50): Yeah, super excited. We've got man, we've got an active group this morning and this is great. We've got Greg. Thanks for joining us this morning, Greg, from Gateway. We've got Phil from West Church in Havervillw Massachusetts. Let's see, we've got Austin, Texas in the house. All right, welcome. Let's see what else we've got here. I think we mentioned is that Sheila? Yes, Hillcrest Baptist church in Tennessee. Let's see, we've got, I'm just going to say a couple more Watertown. South Dakota Watertown, South Dakota represent out there and Terry Redland territory been there a few times. So welcome. We are super glad to have you with us and hello to you, Melvin. Isabelle Faletti (00:03:37): Melvin - Welcome Back! Rohn Gibson (00:03:40): Melvin's one of our regulars. It's good to get to see those fulfill a familiar, say that 10 times real fast familiar names and faces of what we do. Just a couple of quick announcements. Again, if you have any questions as we're going through the topic today, do not hesitate no matter what platform you're joining us on, whether it's YouTube or Facebook, go ahead and leave it in the comments. And we will answer as many of the questions as we can today. We're going to stick to the questions that are on topic. And if we do have time to answer questions outside of that, we're more than happy to do that as well. So if, if this is helpful, we love your feedback. I know we've already got four people that have given us thumbs up. They're on Facebook. So feel free to give us the love. Rohn Gibson (00:04:25): Give us a heart, give us a thumbs up. Let us know, feel free to tag a friend. If there's a volunteer at your church or somebody that you would like to have you join in this, feel free to tag them, invite them. We would love to we would love to have them join as well. Sorry, it's so fun doing these cause you're kind of looking at your notes and you're trying to look at the comments all at the same time. So anyway again, before we jump in I always say have some water, take a sip of water, keep yourself hydrated. We do that right before we jump in. And also if you've got a pen and a piece of paper, feel free to take notes. However, don't feel like you have to take copious, super detailed notes. We are going to be making all the notes, all the tools that we mentioned today, as well as a transcript of this event, we'll make that available on our website. Thank you. As about ChurchSpring.Com/CSL (for ChurchSpring Live) C S L 0 0 9. So don't feel like you've got to keep up with everything. You can always go back rewatch the video, look at the notes. We're going to make all of these resources available to you. So excited to have you all joining us today. Yeah. Isabelle Faletti (00:05:38): I did want to welcome. It looks like Elizabeth from Colorado. I'm based in Colorado. So, you know, we, we got to represent Elizabeth welcome to the, to the livestream here. It's always so exciting. Just to see people interacting and for Rohn and myself we, again, we love to hear engagement and love, hear what you're thinking on the other side of the screen here. So keep your questions, keep your comments coming, please. This is, this is how we can make sure that we are able to give you just really valuable content and, and help. So I do have a question for all of those who are tuning in today, or you are tuning in on a rewatch later on. So have you ever felt stuck trying to think of new content ideas for your church website and your social media? Maybe you're just feeling kind of overwhelmed with trying to serve your members beyond Sunday. So if you've ever felt stuck, just trying to think of new ideas for your website, let me know. I want you to drop a comment in the comments below and say stuck. So if you have felt stuck with thinking of new content ideas, free website, add the word stuck in the comments below Melvin -quickest ChurchSpring Live episode out there. Isabelle Faletti (00:07:03): Everybody's fine out there, Melvin. Thanks. Well, thank you for being honest. You say all the time. That's okay. That is okay, because yep. Stuck. That's that's why we're here. We are, we have a lot of content. We have a lot of information that we're going to give you today. Your church is already a hub of content creation, and I know you may be thinking, what does that mean? And can you explain that more? Well, we will, in today's episode, we are going to really run through how you can recycle super valuable content on your church website so that you can maximize your time and really reach your church and your community and the best way possible. So Rohnand I, we are going to share so many tips and very practical methods and resources that you can repurpose this content. We were running through our notes before and I am, I always say this, but I'm really excited because there's, there's a lot of information that I know will be incredibly helpful to our listeners today. Isabelle Faletti (00:08:12): So yeah. Sheila, you mentioned, yes, you're stuck. We it's. Okay. We're all stuck. And that's why we exist right here so that we can help you get unstuck so that you won't feel overwhelmed with trying to figure out how can I be creating content without spending so much time, because your time is incredibly valuable and your position in the church. So, Ron, I'm excited before we dive too in too much in though. I am curious just to hear a little bit more from our listeners how are you currently reusing your Sunday morning content? So again, if you're listening right now, drop a comment and let, let, let us know. How are you reusing your Sunday morning content? So for example, if you are live streaming on your Facebook page how are you reusing that? Are you adding it to your church website after the fact are you sending out that sermon and a video? Let us know that that can help guide our conversation and that can all always give some helpful tips for other listeners right now. Yeah, we have swamped, not just stuff, but we have someone who's swamped. Rohn Gibson (00:09:26): Yeah. Isabelle Faletti (00:09:28): Yes. We've, we've all been there. You're not alone. You're not alone. Rohn Gibson (00:09:31): Yeah. So our goal for the end of this is that at the end is we have to remember to do this cause this isn't in our notes. I'm a little just going a little freestyle here is we want people to type unstuck by the end of our session today. That is our goal. We know you feel swamped, there's ministry, there's 1,000,001 things going on. So our goal for today is at the end, you can type unstuck because you've got a plan of what you can move forward with. Isabelle Faletti (00:09:55): Yeah. I love that. Douglas just mentioned that he is reusing his content by live streaming and then adding to website for viewing later. That's perfect. That's a, that's a great method, Melvin. He also said adding to website and YouTube. That is excellent. That'll that's really also good for your search results and Google Sheila adding replay to church website. I love that you guys are already on the step or on, on the right plan here for success. So that's just a simple way you guys can be, can be saving time. So rum let's kind of dive right in here. I know that we've talked about content before and in a couple other ChurchSpring Live episodes, we'll mention that probably a few times throughout this episode. But why is having content on my church website so important? Rohn Gibson (00:10:48): Yeah. So it goes directly back to the goals in the last several episodes, if you haven't checked those, definitely go check them out. But in the last several episodes we've asked, what is the number one outcome you want to see from your church website? And there's typically two main things that have come up. We want to reach our community to obviously grow our church, to get more visitors, to come to our church and take part in it and become members. The second thing is we want to effectively communicate to our existing church members. So those are kind of the two main themes that we hear. So your church website and adding content and having content on your church website can help you accomplish both of those two goals. So as we talk about this, we're not just saying, Hey, just go use your church website. Rohn Gibson (00:11:26): And if something happens, good, no there's specific outcomes that we're looking for as it relates to your church website. So as we look, I'm going to kind of separate these some from a reach perspective, when somebody visits your church, they Google it. Let's say I'm in Indianapolis and I'm looking for a church and I Google it and I come to a church website and they haven't updated it forever. There's outdated events on it. There's no sermons where I can actually listen to a little bit. There's nothing. Well, I'm going to move on to somebody else because there are other who are already doing that. So from a reach perspective, having content updated content on your website shows that you're active and that's the type of church somebody wants to come and visit. So from an outreach perspective, having fresh content on there is super important. Rohn Gibson (00:12:07): Another thing from a reach and outreach perspective is search engine optimization, and we're not going to get super detailed. There's a lot of different factors inside of search engine optimization. But one of the things that search engines look for is fresh content. So having fresh content on your website will start bumping your search engine rank. So in that example that I just gave, if I do a Google search for a church in Indianapolis, well, if you haven't added content to your site in a long time, the likelihood of you even being on the first page is slim to none, to be honest, unless you just have a ton of inbound links. For some reason, it's really kind of a slim to none equation there. So adding content helps from a search engine rankings perspective to get you on the first page and even into those top two or three results. Rohn Gibson (00:12:54): So people will even find your find your church in the first place. There's a great saying in the search engine optimization world, that you are your Google results. So therefore if you're not in Google, then from a visitor or for somebody looking for a church, you don't exist. So it's so important. Content plays such an important factor in people being able to find you. And like we've talked about in previous episodes, people used to go to the phone book to look for a church. Now people are on their phones going to Google or their favorite search engine doing a search. And what shows up there that's who has the probability of being able to serve that person. Who's looking lastly communication. So many people say, I want to communicate effectively with my existing church members and adding consistent content to your church website in such a powerful way to do that. Rohn Gibson (00:13:46): We've already had some people mentioned it over here of taking their live stream, putting it on their website. Just think of all the people, especially in the world we live in today. A there's a lot of, a lot more people now than ever watching your live stream, but then there's still people that whether they're traveling or illness or whatever it might be, maybe they're not there at that specific moment. So posting that content on your website gives you the Avenue to still minister to them after the fact. So we've given some examples, posting the audio posting videos of your, the recording of your live stream. You could break it up into little clips and we're going to talk more about that. But man, when we think about adding content, obviously you can tell I'm passionate about this and I love helping you serve your local gathering better and reach your community. Cause that's what this is all about. That is what this is all about reaching teaching and sending. So that's how we can do this. And we've given you just a couple of practical reasons why you absolutely to be adding content to your church website. Isabelle Faletti (00:14:54): Yup. Wow. That was good. Let's just end this now. I mean I'm already not really, not really. Cause we've got, we've got some good information, but that was great. I did want to add on real quick to what you were saying about how you need to be adding content for search engine optimization purposes, you have to consistently add content. So it's not a one and done thing. So if you add product articles, a couple of sermons, then you have to keep that up and add consistent blogs, consistent updates, consistent content so that you can ensure that when search engines do crawl or file your, your website it will always be finding updated content. So when, when you launch your website with respect hurt spring or another provider that's great and that's a really huge, important first step, but then we, you need to be thinking forward and how you can continue to add content. Isabelle Faletti (00:15:57): So don't, don't forget that. And then for another thought again, I'm, I'm scribbling notes today for the communication to existing members like Rohn mentioned it doesn't have to be, I mean, w we'll give, we'll give examples here, but it can be even events. So communicating to your existing members again, right now we are currently in a pandemic. So people may be attending church in person. They may be visiting coming by live stream. And I know personally when I attend my church by livestream, if my Internet's bad, I may miss out on important things or my attention may not be the same as if I'm in person. So if you can provide a, a "Go To" resource, which is your website, it's open 24 seven to have that be your, your bulletin almost of adding upcoming events, add important announcements that is a huge communication piece for your church. So there, I I'm passionate about that. So we're, we're passionate about this topic for all of you who are listening, if you can't tell. Rohn Gibson (00:17:04): Yeah. So we've got some people sharing over here, they're posting it as they add content to their site. Great job, Melvin, continue to do that. Same thing here, Rosemont Baptist. We had most of our events in ChurchSpring and Facebook. The most, I'm curious to hear more about that. Maybe you can leave us a comment and maybe there's just events that just aren't open to everyone. So that, that makes total sense. But yeah, putting, when you add that content, promoting that content through your social media channels to get it out there to as many people as possible is really important as well. So anyway, we could talk, we could go down a lot of different things, but we want to try to keep this as concise because literally we could talk 8 hours on even more 8 days on this topic. Isabelle Faletti (00:17:50): It's true. So Rohn, I think we established, hopefully everybody could, could hear the passion about why having content is so important on a church website. Uso let's talk more about why is repurposing content so important for a church website? Rohn Gibson (00:18:07): Yeah, so repurposing content. So a lot of the reasons people get stuck is because they feel like I have to come up with something completely new. Like I've got to have some fresh new idea, devotional thing to post to my blog or to my website or whatever. And they don't realize when, when we talk about your church specifically your services like being a content help, there is so much content that you can pull from that. And we're gonna, we're gonna talk more about that. But ultimately when we talk about repurposing or sometimes you'll even hear the word recycling content the whole idea of that is you don't have to come up with something new. You can save a ton of time and let's be honest. So the first thing, number one, you can save a ton of time. Why is repurposing save a ton of time? Rohn Gibson (00:18:57): Yeah, I don't know about you, but if I could have anything, it would be more time. It's it's one of the most fleeting resources we've got to use it wisely and repurposing content can be a great thing for that. Number two repetition is the key to learning the attention spans of people today, even attending your service. They're thinking about all kinds of things. I mean, let's be honest, you've seen it especially many who are church leaders or even pastors who are joining us here, you look out there and you can kind of say, yeah, that person's not tuned in to what we're talking because well, you see their eyes are closed and their heads back and their attention spans today are just so, so short. So repetition is the key to learning. I'm I'm that way too. I need to hear something like I'm not necessarily the greatest auditory, like seeing it and kind of experiencing it or even reading. Rohn Gibson (00:19:46): It really helps me. So just remember that you can repurpose content and it's great because it's repetition. You're going to continue to drive some of those main points, key themes, key scripture key points. You're gonna be able to really drive those home from the sermon throughout, throughout the week, not just on Sunday, if that's, when you have your service. And then lastly, as far as why is repurposing content important? You get the opportunity to minister, to people who weren't there on Sunday. Yeah. And don't think that people are going to sit down necessarily. Yes. You absolutely want to post your service, your, your recording of your live stream. If you have a live stream or even just the recording to your church website, but many times somebody doesn't begin because of attention span is they're not going to watch that long of a piece of content. Rohn Gibson (00:20:35): So that's where you can do, what's called chunking your content. We'll talk more about that. Chunking your content down into some of those main key components and then put those out there on your website as, as on social media and some of those other platforms that you use to communicate with your church. So remember repetition is the key to learning. It's going to save you a ton of time if you recycle content, and then it gives you the opportunity by chunking up that content and repurposing it to minister, to people who were not able to attend your live service. Isabelle Faletti (00:21:06): Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Rosemont, Baptist Elizabeth. She said that she could use 30 hours a day. So we feel you. I know, I keep trying and it just, I can't figure it out. Melvin, you asked for some examples of repurposing content. Love it. Yes. Actually we will be giving some examples very soon here. We have a great crowd here today, Rohn, Topsy, "What Did you say I wasn't paying attention", but I mean, I know you were, you were teasing there Topsy. But it's true. I mean, with, with live stream, there's a lot of distractions with, you know, kids or animals or something moving outside of your window that you're distracted by, or your, you remember your, your to do list. So when you can repurpose content, you are able to really maximize on the, on the impact on the reach that your, your one hour sermon has. So there's, there's a lot of bandwidth that you have there. So Rohn we've, we've mentioned the word content hub a couple of times already. And we've mentioned that churches are a content hub. Let's unpack that a little more because I want to make sure that our listeners really understand just the, the engine almost that they have under their church content. So what does it mean for my church to be a content hub and to answer Melvin's question, how do we create more content without spending a ton of time? Rohn Gibson (00:22:46): That right there is the question. How do I create a yes, pure gold? And it's a combination of things. Okay. So I don't want to be like, it's this one magic thing. It's a combination of having a good plan and then being really smart with your time and the tools that you leverage to be able to execute on that thing. Okay. So when we talk about the content hub, and we've kind of highlighted that a little bit, but your church is creating a tremendous amount of content, every single service and hour of content, you could create probably a hundred pieces of reusable content just from one service. And sometimes we get so into the routine of doing things that we forget, all the opportunities that exist to be able to create content from this one thing. So that's what we really want to do. Rohn Gibson (00:23:35): And I know we've had, can you give us some examples? We're going to give you examples, but we're also going to give you a list of tools after we give you the examples of how you very quickly and relatively easily implement these things. So again, how do I create more content without spending a ton of time? First of all, understand, you don't need to create new content. You just need to use existing content. You already have from, if you only do one service on Sunday, that's plenty of posts for every single day of the week. Now you may hear that in the feeling you might be feeling, which typically if somebody says I feel stuck, then they also, when they hear you can post every single day from the content, the next feeling is overwhelmed. What I want to encourage you is that we're going to give a lot of ideas in the goal is not for you to take all of these ideas and go implement them. Rohn Gibson (00:24:30): So please hear me. That's not going to move you forward. What we want you to focus on is how do I get 1% better? How can I just become 1% better this week and sharing that content. And, and maybe it's establishing that plan then executing on that plan, maybe with a volunteer at your church. But as you hear all of these examples, please don't be overwhelmed, be encouraged because there's a lot of opportunities for you to be able to reach your community, as well as communicate better to your existing church members with these ideas. And you don't have to implement them all at one time. So baby steps. Exactly. Melvin it's exactly right. Baby steps. All right. So number one, examples of some content that you can share. That's reusable from just a, an a, I don't wanna say average, but a typical service at your church. Rohn Gibson (00:25:22): Number one could be your worship set. So typically you're going to sing three to five songs, right at the beginning to, you know, prepare people's heart for the message. So share it just literally shared Hey, of the five songs we sang this Sunday, which one of these was your favorite? Put your comment, you know, give them action. Put your comment in the comment section below. So now not only are you creating content on social, you can do the same thing. Even on your church website. You can say, you know, even here are the lyrics from, you know, the message, what really spoke out to you to be creating content on your church website and to be able to engage people in that way. So I could give you a hundred other ideas on how you can leverage this Isabelle Faletti (00:26:06): I was just thinking maybe we should have another ChurchSpring Live, just to talk about how to push out your worship set. I mean, I'm thinking Instagram stories with the, the music option that they have to put on a story. There's a lot of ideas. Rohn Gibson (00:26:19): Many of these artists, if you go to YouTube, you can find the songs and then you could actually embed those on a blog post, you know, Sunday, we've given enough just there with worship set. So we're just going to stop there because we don't want anybody to be overwhelmed. But the simple thing that you could take and most people on your church, even in your bulletin, you give here's the songs we're going to sing. So literally you can copy and paste out of that. Post out there, engage people with a question and then maybe even ask them, Hey, what songs would you like to sing this next Sunday? Just a way to really engage them. Secondly, announcements. So your blog section of your website, I it's just one of the most underutilized sections of your church website, everybody. I just, how many people I go to their their site and they're not using it because a lot of them, it's just, you don't know how so, what, what I want to do is announcements great way to use your blog. Rohn Gibson (00:27:20): And it could be a post every single week. That's just, here's the announcements. Literally, it's the exact same announcements you gave during your Sunday morning service. Now you're just making those available on your blog each week for people to be able to come and consume. If they have questions, they can ask questions, but that's an easy thing and easy way it's content you're already creating. So just put it out there in another Avenue, Rosemont Baptist. I see no blog yet. If you're a ChurchSpring user it's built right in it's super easy. You can literally create a thing up there based on our blog thing, call it updates and just get going literally within seconds. So use those announcements that you already have and start posting those to your website on a consistent basis. So, you know, we haven't even talked about the sermon yet, how we've talked about it, the worship time, music time, the announcement time. Rohn Gibson (00:28:12): Now we're going to get into the sermon and all of the areas that you can generate content for your church website, as well as your social media channels, just from your sermon. So again, you don't have to write all these down, we're going to put them out, but, but I want you to do this. If you've got a pen and a piece of paper, as I go down through these, write down one thing, one of the things that I mentioned, you're like, this is something that we can do, and we're going to commit to doing and starting within the next, let's say seven to 14 days. Okay? So from your sermons, you can create, there's a scripture passage, many times, most times there's multiple scripture passages that you're going to cover in a sermon. So you can take those and you can post those. Rohn Gibson (00:29:00): You can create graphics for them. And we're again, we'll give you the different tools to post on social media. You could just post here's literally, you know, if you joined us or if you weren't able to join us for this last Sunday service, here's the 10th scripture passages that we covered. And that could even be a blog post. And then which one of these scripture passages really resonates with you. And how did the Lord speak to you through that, through that sermon through that scripture passage, I love that. So that's one way main themes, again, another great way to create social images, to unpack even more. Cause let's be honest, you got a 30 minute sermon, typically just through your research and those sorts of things. You have a lots more content that you could share. Now you have an Avenue to share it, put it on your church website. Rohn Gibson (00:29:50): You can put those main themes out there, whether it's your blog post, you can do the same thing through social media posts, unpack those main points. That's another one, you know, typically they always say three points and a poem. I don't know if anybody else follows that structure. That's, that's what I always heard in college. Just get three points and a poem. Like if all else fails, you got three points and a poem. So post those main points, just like, honestly, we're even doing right now. What do you see on your screen down here? You're seeing the three main questions are the main questions that we're going to cover during our time here today. So you can do that same thing and then direct them back. So just think on social media, you can take those main points and then say to learn more, click here and watch our sermon from this past Sunday, right way to drive traffic to your site and also make it super easy for people to share. Isabelle Faletti (00:30:38): Right? I think what you just said right there around that is huge. So if you are posting something to social media, your, your goal will probably, and it may not be depending on what content, but probably it will be to have them. Well, it will be to have them act on something, but what do you want them to act on? Typically bring them back to their website or to your website, because that is again the main hub that is the home base for your church. So like Rohn said when you post a, an image, when you post the main theme or main points on social media, linked back to the source. So in this case, it would be that the sermon that you've already uploaded on your website so that people can have the full chunk of content there. Rohn Gibson (00:31:22): Yes. Yes. All right. There's some good stuff going on in chat. And we're going to circle back around to that, especially the areas of copyright claims. So I want to talk about that. I'm not an attorney, but I want to give you some tips on that, on that topic. So another thing that you can take from your Sunday sermons are your action items. You know, when you're, when you're giving a sermon, what are those things that you want people to, to act upon? Whether it's being a better witness in the community, or maybe it's serving somebody, or maybe it's some type of things that they can do to implement something that they've learned, or maybe that the Holy Spirit's impressed upon their heart. What is the action that they're going to take? Put that out there, maybe even suggestions based on this past Sunday service, if you missed it, click here to go watch the video, but what are three things or what's one thing that you're going to take posts in the comments below of what you're going to act on from the service this week. Rohn Gibson (00:32:12): And maybe if you're not putting an action item at the end of your sermon, or even throughout your sermon, that might be something that you want to consider doing as well. So that's another option, action items. Another thing, a transcript. When we talk about content, there's lots of types of content. We've talked about that in a previous episode of church bringing, I can't remember the episode or I would give it, but it's really, we only have nine and I can't remember imagine when its 109! Anyway. So there's there's video content, there's word, copy, you know, written content there's images. All of those things are forms of content. One of the forms of content that Google loves is written content because that's, they index it and that's ultimately, what's going to help improve your organic search engine ranking results. Okay. So if you're not currently posting transcripts of your sermon, I would highly encourage you to do that. Rohn Gibson (00:33:10): And we're going to talk about a couple of tools that you can use for that. So just sit tight for like what you want me to sit down and transcribe this thing. It's way easier than that. So we'll cut, we'll circle back around to that, but a transcript posting that sermon, putting a transcript, just like we do. If you go back and look at any of our previous church ring Live episodes and you scroll down, you'll see transcript on. Literally we give that breakdown. Why do we do that? Because we want people to find us on Google and all the popular search engines and come to our site so we can serve them and add value to them. So a transcript is just an easy way to be able to do that. Another thing, because you've done the transcript many times there's pull quotes. So there's things that that you say, or maybe even quotes that you give from somebody else go in and find just a couple of pull quotes, and you can share those on social media and then drive them back to the sermon content and the transcript that's on your website. Rohn Gibson (00:34:08): Okay. So take a couple of pull quotes. Those are great social images, social media images to then drive them back to your website, sermon, video, and audio. If you're not currently posting your sermon video or audio, even if you don't have video. And I know there's churches of all different types and some just record the audio some, and maybe some don't even record the audio. If you're, you're not recording the audio you need to be. So let me just say that you don't have to have some fancy soundboard sound system. If you have a smartphone, you have a way to record the audio, do it. And then you can easily post it inside of your church, spring powered website or whatever website platform you use. So poster, sermon, video poster, sermon, audio just, I don't want to be too hard and say, there's just no excuse, but there's really just no excuse in the world that we live in today. So I won't be that, you know, but please do it, do it. Yeah. Isabelle Faletti (00:35:09): And if you have questions about how to do that, about how to upload your own, a sermon to your website, reach out to us. If, if you use ChurchSpring for your church website, send in a support ticket. If you're having any issues, adding a sermon, audio or video we want to make sure that you are able to easily upload that content. Cause that is so important. And it's, it's a, it's an easy process. So if are, if you are getting stuck anywhere we want to help you get unstuck, that that'll be your theme for this one. If you're feeling stuck, we want to help you get unstuck and you can get unstuck. Sometimes you just have to have to ask for help. Rohn Gibson (00:35:48): Yes. And Melvin, very easy. Good. That's what I love. I love it. I love it. Thank you, Melvin. Alright. So last two podcast. So again, if you're not currently posting audio and video on your website, this would not be the next step to take for you. So just hear me on that. But if you are doing those things, and you're not currently making your audio Rohn Gibson (00:36:10): Available for podcast consumption, I would highly encourage you to do so as part of ChurchSpring, we literally, when you upload your audio, we we've created the integration with two of the main podcast platforms. And honestly I think it works with the other ones and if not, we can make the adjustments relatively quickly. But for the two main ones, the first one being Apple to make it super easy for people, remember people aren't just sitting in front of a computer, listening and consuming your content. This morning, literally I was out on a run and I'm consuming content, consuming, podcasts, audio books systematic theology. There's a fun thing to listen to while you're running at seven o'clock in the morning, but podcasts are one of the things that people do a lot, even driving in their car on that commute to work back from work, you know, they have car play and all these tools that integrate podcasting directly into the multimedia system inside of cars today. I mean, there's so many avenues for people to consume content. Now, if you're not podcasting, it's something that you should put on your list to do. In the, in the short term. Podcasting is super powerful. There's way less competition inside of podcasting. Then there is an organic result or even on YouTube. So by flooding and it would just be so awesome to see just thousands of churches just flooding these podcasting outlets with good godly Christ centered content, man, Rohn Gibson (00:37:47): If you want to change the world let's do that. Let's get it out there. So if you're not doing a podcast,udefinitely do that or add it to your list of things to consider. And again, it's built right inside a ChurchSpring. So if you have any questions on that, we have help articles on how you can do that. Lastly, video clips, a lot of people do, it's not a one size fits all. Like we post our sermon and it's like, well, they can go and they can watch an hour long if they want to watch it or 30 minutes long, depending on what you post and how long your sermon is, what I recommend is yes, post that. So the people who do want to watch the whole service. Absolutely. But then what I recommend is you doing clips. So doing three to five minute clips, maybe even a little bit shorter and then posting those to your different outlet, communication outlets as well. Rohn Gibson (00:38:33): So that could be social media that could be actually putting them on your blog and putting some different packaging around it. Or when I say packaging, I mean content and ways to interact with people specifically on the point that you've already made. Now you can even take the video clip. You can take just a component of the transcript that you already have written out for you because you're going to be, you're going to do it the right way. And you're going to do a transcript and you can put that on there and really engage people with questions. Okay. Questions. If you look at Jesus, I mean, just reading through the gospels, I'm reading through the gospels right now, and you look at how Jesus engaged people. Questions... the power of a well-placed question and you can do the same thing, leveraging the content that you've already done. Rohn Gibson (00:39:21): Let's be honest. Jesus was the model. This is the model of how we are supposed to reach the world. So let's follow that model. He did it perfectly. So let's, let's just follow his model with some of these tools and resources that we have today. So we covered a lot of ground there. And again, I'm going to circle back around to what I said earlier. Do not feel like you have to do everything. That's not the point here. The point for you is, okay, I'm going to pick one thing that I'm not currently doing, or even better. I'm going to pick one thing that I'm doing, but I'm not doing it maybe to the level that we just talked about and say, how can I make that one thing? So I'm already posting the video from my live stream on my website, but I'm not posting a transcript. Rohn Gibson (00:40:02): Okay, I'm going to start doing that or whatever that might be. So just take one specific measurable thing and write it down and say, okay, this is the one thing that I'm going to act on and start improving on over the next seven to 14 days. Now, lastly, here, if you need a, an example of a content calendar, I talked about that idea earlier of posting something every single day, whether it's your social media channels on your website, whatever that might be a, we did a previous episode, two episodes to go in ChurchSpring Live's 007, where we gave you content calendars. We gave you 101 free social media posts. I mean, we literally just said, how can we serve dump it out there? So go check out if you haven't seen that episode, go check out that episode. And also go get those free tools because let's be honest, we all like free. So go get the free tools. Isabelle Faletti (00:40:57): Wow, that's great. Well I think Rohn, the big thing that stuck out, well, a couple of things is you don't have to create new content and we just gave you amazing, super practical action action items so that you can be reusing your content. And we, we take our own advice. When we say you don't have to be doing everything right now, even for ChurchSpring live, we have kind of a, a master plan of how we want to be adding video clips, a podcast. We're not currently doing that right now because we are taking what we can and very bite sized chunks, where as Melvin said, baby steps, and we are perfecting that, making that to be a smooth process so that when we are ready to move on, to add a podcast, to add video clips, we can do that. Well, instead of becoming overwhelmed I know me, I like to just jump right in and I want to do all 10 steps on my list here. Isabelle Faletti (00:41:56): But when I do that, I get overwhelmed and I'm not really doing anything to the best of my ability. So it is so important that, I mean, brainstorm, write down all the potential ways that you can reuse this content. And then, like Rohn said take one thing that you can master, put it, put a timeline on it. Was it last week, I think last week we talked about how to create smart goals for your website. So if you haven't listened to that yet, go check out last week's episode. That's really helpful for this so that you won't feel overwhelmed and that you won't feel stuck in this process. Rohn Gibson (00:42:34): Yes. Yeah. So one, one thing and Topsy, man, that's such a great point. Better do what you can. Well, the do too much, not very good. I love this concept of less but better. So very simple. So basically even what we just said, wisdom what you said, and then just less but better. So as you look at these ideas, don't feel like you're like a failure. If you don't do all these things, very, very few people do all these things. And if they do, they have a massive communications team at their church. So for you, it's just less but better. So what's the, what's maybe things that you're currently doing that aren't positively impacting an outcome that you want stop doing those things that isn't that interesting in ministry or even in life. Let's be honest. I'll pull back the veil a little bit. When we were planning ChurchSpring Live, we actually talked about doing a daily episode Isabelle Faletti (00:43:24): And we were excited about it. Rohn Gibson (00:43:26): Yes, yes. Praise God, praise God, God gave me a partner in ChurchSpring that was like, hold on. You might think about this for a second. Isabelle Faletti (00:43:34): Yep. Shout out to Mike. Rohn Gibson (00:43:36): Yes. Mike, thank you for saving us from ourselves. Like even we have to practice that. So look at the things that you're currently doing. Are they helping you achieve a specific outcome? And if they're not stopped doing them and then look at, okay, now you've freed up time. Okay. What are those things that we want to do next? And then just continue to evaluate that process. So awesome. It looks like we Isabelle is going to be coming back. We'll see. Hopefully. but we're going to start talking about tools. So if you would love to hear some of the tools that we recommend that you can use for your to implement these things go ahead and put tools in the comments below. So if you want to know the tools, the tricks of the trade now to actually how to implement those things, go ahead, give us a comment, right. Tools if you really want, otherwise we'll, we'll just not even share the tools. Isabelle Faletti (00:44:34): No, we have great tools. I want to know them. Rohn Gibson (00:44:37): All right. All right. We're getting some comments. There we go. There we go. I guess I don't want to let you down. So let's talk about how can I do this, right. It's about action now. So how can I do this? What tools can I use to do this quickly and efficiently? Okay. So again, all of these are going to be linked up. We're not going to show, share URLs for every single thing that we talk about. You can go check out the show notes for this later this afternoon or tomorrow we'll have everything linked up. Okay. So number one, sermon sharing use ChurchSpring, it's built in, you're already investing in it. And by the way, we make doing a lot of the social sharing components that we just talked about doing that's directly integrated into your sermon sharing. Okay. "Don't play with me like that." Melvin. Isabelle Faletti (00:45:32): I know we have a great group today. I love it. Rohn Gibson (00:45:35): We're we're we're going for it, Melvin. So you give me a, you give me a thumbs up or let me know if these tools are helpful. Isabelle Faletti (00:45:40): Yeah. Hang on real quick to the sermon sharing. I think it was Elizabeth. You asked how do you upload sermons to your website? Go to ChurchSpring.com/help. And we actually have some super helpful tutorials that will walk you through how to upload videos and audio to your sermons or really to anywhere on your website. So check that out, go to churchspring.com/help. I I think it was Elizabeth for, at Rosemont Baptist, if not, I'm sorry. So whoever asked that otherwise just send in a support ticket and your website settings and we'll help you answer any questions that you Rohn Gibson (00:46:19): Awesome. So, yeah, sermon sharing use ChurchSpring, and then you can also use, I'm just going to start talking about it, the social media scheduling. So for social media posting to really get the maximum of the content that you're posting on your website, you want to promote it and get people back to your website to consume certain pieces of content that you don't want them just to consume on social media. So again, social media scheduling posting ChurchSpring. If you are a Flourish member of ChurchSpring, this is literally built right in. You can go and you can post. I mean, when we did this, literally we were thinking, how can we make this as easy as possible and time efficient as possible. So just to walk through this, when you create your event for your church service, you can schedule your social media posts right there in that event to promote that event, that's going to be upcoming on your church. Rohn Gibson (00:47:08): Then once that event happens, you go and you post the video or audio content from that. And you can post content right there in line, as you're posting it to promote that piece of content right there inside of ChurchSpring, you don't need any other tools. So the other tools that I'm going to mention, you don't technically even need those because they're built right in, like it's built right to ChurchSpring. If you're a Flourish plan user, you can use those things. So, yeah, ChurchSpring for social media scheduling and sharing; another tool that you can check out. If you'd like another tool it's called Hoot suite. It's a tool that I've used in the past. Another great tool beyond that. It's called MeetEdgar with MeetEdgar, you can actually create buckets of content that continue to syndicate over time. Meetedgar is not free. Rohn Gibson (00:47:55): There is, there is a fee associated with it. And honestly, if you're using the ChurchSpring platform correctly, these other two tools you don't even need, but we don't want to think that we're the end all be all to everything. We're not, we're not proud to think that. So go check out. Obviously ChurchSpring, if you're not a Flourish user, you can upgrade and you can go see how that feature works inside of ChurchSpring. Or you can check out Hoot suite or meet Edgar there as well. So video clips, I know we had some interest. Somebody said, yeah, video clips. That would be awesome. That may have been Melvin. We have comments flying at us right now. This is so awesome. So on the video clip side of things, there's multiple solutions that we would recommend. And I'm going to do this a little bit of out of order, even in my notes, but the first one I'd recommend is called Clip Champ. Rohn Gibson (00:48:44): So it's a, it's a website, it's an application online just like ChurchSpring. It's a piece of software and you can upload your sermon and it makes it super easy to just create little clips that then you can export and share in different places. So Clip Champ is one, one, there's another great tool. And by the way, we use it, many of you may even found out about us because of the ad that you saw that we created through this tool. So the tool is called Zubtitle. And again, we will post this, but the really cool part of this feature, which I would recommend that you do is you can have your video, but then you could put a little title above it, like ask a question, you know, ask a question whatever. "Are You going to Heaven" question mark, here's your video explaining how somebody can go to heaven and then down at the bottom, you can actually include the captions or the, you know, the captions right there, from what you're saying right inside of one video, one clip, it's a super powerful, it's not free, but a really cool tool. Rohn Gibson (00:49:52): If you're ready to take things really to a whole new level a couple tools. If you're a Mac user, you have a movie, you can literally do this with a program you already have. So if you're a Mac user right now, yes, and that's free. So you could use that just as part of the Apple operating system on your computer. A couple of other tools, if you're a PC user and you actually want something to download, not like a, an online service to use a, you can use a tool called Camtasia. It's a great tool we've used in the past super easy little tool where you can clip and edit. And it's actually, they've got a ton of now, but it's a great tool. And then lastly, for those Mac users and this one, this is one that I use myself. Rohn Gibson (00:50:34): Pretty often it's called ScreenFlow. And it's basically just a super easy video editing type of stuff. So we gave you a ton of tools there. But anyway, we'll list all those on the site. You can go check them out and go from there. So we're at 10 50 already. We've been going for 50 minutes and we still have a ton to cover. So that's gone transcripts, number one, maybe you have a volunteer at your church. Maybe there's someone at your church that they would just love to take part in this and they know how to type, and they can do these kinds of things. Don't overlook the people in your church, invite them into ministry with you. And if they have that ability and they can do those things and invite them into ministry with you to be part of your church communications team. Rohn Gibson (00:51:21): Okay. So volunteer at your church. Lastly, for transcripts, there's a great service. It's the service we use when you look at the transcripts on ChurchSpring on, are on these different blog posts that we do for church bring live. We use a service called rev.com, R E V.com. And they have two different options. They have human transcription, which is a little more costly, so much per minute, and then they have automated transcription which is cheaper. And honestly, it's what we use if your audio is pretty good. It's, it's pretty accurate. Obviously, if you have a unique things, like my name is spelled R O, H N well, they're not going to know that. So there's some little, we have a Jen on our team goes through and she does a lot of just the little corrections that need to be done. Maybe sometimes more than a little. So thank you, Jen, for your, your work there. But that's a really great tool that I would highly encourage you to check out. Isabelle Faletti (00:52:21): And the great thing about rev.com is that the transcripts are ready really quickly. So as soon as I upload the video, I actually, I can just add this Facebook link to rev.com. It'll be ready in, I mean, in 30 minutes, probably even less than that. So it's not something that you have to wait around all week long. So you can just have an afternoon where you're working on repurposing your sermon content. Start, start the day by uploading the video to rev.com. You can work on a couple of other things. And then in 30 minutes, you'll have the transcript and you'll be, you'll be ready to hit the ground running. Rohn Gibson (00:52:58): Awesome, man, I love this right here. Well, we have going on, this is what it's about. This is community. Yeah, definitely, exactly what we want, man. I love people coming to these events and yes, they're coming to learn, but they're also coming to give, so thank you, Melvin, for being an awesome example for us. So Melvin uses HD movie maker, so definitely check that out. Topsy, same thing to you. I use, what is it? Move ABI? I'm not sure how to pronounce that. I have heard of that one. Okay. Easy and high quality. That's awesome. So there you go. Isabelle Faletti (00:53:28): That's important right there. Easy and high quality. That's what you need Rohn Gibson (00:53:32): So if anybody else is listening now. Or even in the rewatch, if there's a tool that you use, it's super easy, help us spread the word about it to the church. So go ahead and post that in the comments. We've got two more sections. We're going to talk about graphics and then podcasting. So creating graphics a couple of the things we talked about was sharing, pull quotes, sharing scripture passages from your sermon. So there's two great tools. This is one I know Isabelle, it's near and dear to her heart that she's there. She shares and that's Canva. So yeah. So we'll link that up. There's one that I like to use specifically because it's an app on my phone. I can literally grab a scripture passage. I'm using the apps called word swag, and they have all these predefined font, selections, and so forth. It makes it super easy to create high quality, social media images, or even website images, or even like sermon images that you could use on your ChurchSpring website. Rohn Gibson (00:54:29): So those are two under graphics, Canva, and then Word Swag. And then lastly for podcast ChurchSpring, like there's, there's all kinds of podcasting, third party services, excuse me, talking too much. But ChurchSpring, we give you your feed. You're already uploading the audio. There's no sense in, okay, I've got, I've got uploaded here and then I've got to go to this podcast feed and upload it here. And then I've got to go here and upload it here. Just consolidate it into one place. It's already part of the investment that you're already making. And it's just more value that you can get from the ChurchSpring platform. So, awesome. Isabelle Faletti (00:55:10): Wow. That was amazing. Everybody for listening, take a deep breath and we'll give yourself a little clap because you now have the tools that you need to reuse your content. And Rohn, you mentioned actually I wrote it down. You said, invite others into ministry with you. That is so important because we're, we're, we're a community. We are a body. And so it's not, it's not all up to you. People want to help, they just need to know about the needs. So if you go down the list and you say, okay, I want to really focus on sermons this month. And I want to upload it to our website. I want to create a transcript, a blog article, and some social media graphics. Don't be overwhelmed at that because there are others out there who can help you with that. So you can be kind of the project manager. Isabelle Faletti (00:56:02): If you want to bring it into a very kind of business mindset, you can be the one who can delegate out posts on your social media even saying, Hey, we have a really cool opportunity for a volunteer to help with social media communications. If you're interested, email us, contact us here. So reach out, put out your feelers. And I have a feeling you will be surprised by how many people who want to help and come alongside with ministry. There there's people who that that's what they do. They, they, they do social media or maybe that's not their full time job, but they love social or they love video content and they want to be getting into that. So you could even be helping some young professional of getting experience with marketing, with content. So there's a lot of great opportunities how you can maximize your time, not just with these resources, but how you can be really using the gifts and talents of the members within your church. Rohn Gibson (00:57:05): Yes, yes. Yeah. Very good. Well, it's time for action. Yes. Okay. Why don't we do it? Isabelle Faletti (00:57:11): No, Rohn, what do we do now? Rohn Gibson (00:57:14): Here's the test. So before we go into action, here's what I want to know. Are you unstuck? So did we give you at least one practical thing? And honestly, maybe the most practical thing we set on this whole thing, wasn't even something that was on our notes and that was, are you doing something now? You shouldn't be doing? Yeah. So if you're unstuck, give us a shout, put in the comments, unstuck to let us know if we were able to accomplish our mission today. Ah, there we go. Yeah. I knew I could count on your brother. Awesome. There we go. That's awesome. Isabelle Faletti (00:57:52): Yes, Topsy, she said attack one of the young ladies in our very small church to run her live stream so you can, so I can get back to leading worship. That's amazing. I love that. That's that's how you do it. Yes. Unstuck. Thank you. Yes, that's awesome. Rohn Gibson (00:58:08): Again. Perfect. Very good. Well again, take action. It's time for action. So what you can do is one, one recommended thing. Well, actually, I'm going to say something again. I'm not on her notes, review everything you're doing. And if there's something that you're doing consistently, that's not helping you achieve the desired outcome based on one of your goals, then chop that thing from your list. Give yourself more time to do the things that are going to help you achieve whatever the outcome is that you're looking for. Okay. So in ministry, it's not just about piling more on sometimes it's about ejecting things from your list that just really aren't bringing value to the people in your congregation or to the goals of your, your church, a website there. So you can create a content calendar again, we've already given you great ideas for that. Rohn Gibson (00:58:57): You can go to ChurchSpring.com /CSL 0 0 7, create a content calendar. You can simply start there by creating a schedule of what you're going to do. So what's the next step you're going to take. And then when you're going to do it, so you can go back to the previous episode, which was 0, 0 8, and actually look at what it means to set smart goals like Isabelle was alluding to earlier next be committed, be committed to get 1% better even this week. Now that doesn't mean doing more. Sometimes one percent better means doing less, but the thing that you're doing, you're doing them better. Okay. So keep that in mind. As you look at as many times in ministry managed like this avalanche avalanche of activity, and we don't even know why we're doing it. Uso assess, cut what's needed. Rohn Gibson (00:59:52): Do something better, maybe that you're already doing, or maybe now it's time to add something new based on what we've shared here today, but be committed to getting 1% better this week. Okay. So a couple last things. If you aren't currently a member of ChurchSpring, you're watching this and you're like, man, I want to see more. I want to say everything Rohn just talked about with being able to upload my sermons and schedule social media posts or whatever. Maybe you're a current user and you didn't even know ChurchSpring did that. We have that too, cause there's a lot going on inside of ChurchSpring. So if that's you, we love you love, love to have you. We do love you, but we'd also love to have you join us for a demo churchspring.com/demo. You're making me laugh. Isabelle Rohn Gibson (01:00:35): Churchspring.Com/Demo You can join myself and my co-founder and one of our team members from customer success manning chat there to answer any questions you have and really show you what ChurchSpring can do to help you grow your ministry as well as communicate more effectively to those in your local gathering already. And then lastly, if you're not a member of ChurchSpring and you just want to see what it's all about, we also offer a seven day free trial. You can literally within 90 seconds create your ChurchSpring account login, start making changes to your new ChurchSpring powered website, and you'll be up and running and we'll be here to support you every step of the way. So that's ChurchSpring.Com/Trial. Isabelle Faletti (01:01:16): Yep. Yup. Whew. I'm ready to go take action right now. I think it was Clarence Walker. You said helped you're brand new. You just found this by mistake. Welcome to ChurchSpring. Definitely go to a couple of the options that Rohn just mentioned, ChurchSpring.com/trial or churchspring.com/demo so that we can help kind of welcome you to ChurchSpring David, timely information -unstuck. Thank you. Yes. We love that. Rohn, I know though we have couple of questions here specifically about copyright information. I would love to just answer that real quick. If we have a couple minutes I'll try to find those questions. As I know, one of our listeners said that his Facebook livestream was getting blocked and then another listener said that their YouTube account was getting blocked. Any insight in that? Rohn Gibson (01:02:16): Yeah, so it's very common and there's a couple of practical things that you can do to try to eliminate that. So first of all, you want to make sure that you have licensing for any music that you put out there. Now there's general domain licensing. I don't, again, I'm not an attorney, but there's general domain. Most things in a hymnal are typically under a general domain license. But again, depending on your hymnal and a lot of other factors, so definitely check that out. But there is the licensing that you can get most churches do. I know it was mentioned, is it CCLI I can't remember the thing right off hand, but I believe that's it. So what I would recommend that you do a make sure that you have licensing for it. And then what our church does is we actually, so we have the, the words on the screen on a PowerPoint. Rohn Gibson (01:03:05): We also share those over the live stream and right there on that PowerPoint, literally at the bottom of Everest, all the words are up here on top, down at the bottom, we put the licensing information for every single song. So that's one thing that I would recommend that you do is put that as well as don't use audio from a resource that you found online, even if you have the licensing for that song. What happens is, especially with Facebook, as well as YouTube, they're indexing audio and they're out there basically kind of sniffing out people who are using the audio that matches it based on rights or based on people who are turning, you know, these big record labels or whoever they are, that's turning people in for copyright infringement. So then they're very strict on that kind of thing. So I would just say, just be very careful with that, follow some of those practical things. And then if you do get in trouble, you know, if they block you for whatever reason I've heard of Facebook just muting, muting people's livestreams. I heard that, yes. I've heard that recently. So just follow those principles, make sure you have the licensing and then follow up with YouTube and Facebook and just say, Hey, we have the license for this. What do you recommend that we do to correct this issue? Isabelle Faletti (01:04:31): Yup. That's some really helpful tips. Thank you, Rohn. I know that we also had a couple of listeners ask specifically about the blog section on ChurchSpring and if there's a reply and response section or what we call comments on the blogs. Yes. So when you add a new blog, you actually have the option on your ChurchSpring powered website to turn off or turn off, turn on or turn off comments. So when you create a new blog, you can check yes. Allow comments, and then that will allow your members, your website, visitors to add a comment to your website. You do have to approve those comments as a church website admin, just so you don't have any random person posting comments on your blog article, but Melvin and I know Rosemont Baptist, you specifically asked about that. Rohn Gibson (01:05:18): Yes. So Peter Paul just posted and I'm going to put this up, cause that is important. There are multiple types of licensing. So make sure I would just recommend this. If you're running into those issues with live streaming, I would, I would reach out to CCLI and get counsel from them on how to best go through this. This is what they do. So I would recommend going down that route again, we've never run into any issues at our church following the basic best practices that we just, that I just shared. So I would start there and then if you do run into issues, reach out to CCLI make sure you have the right licensing and then tell them what your, you know, the struggle that you're having and what do you need to do to correct it. Isabelle Faletti (01:06:04): Yep. That's huge. Go, yeah, go back to the source that is giving that they're giving you the tools to be able to live streamer as the copyright. They're the ones who can really give you the best next steps. Let's see. I think we covered all the main questions. Ron, did we miss anything here? I think we're good. Okay, awesome. Rosemont Baptist. You mentioned that you're thinking of using YouTube video editing tool. Yes. I actually use that as part of ChurchSpring, video editing. We are live streaming to YouTube. So if you prefer YouTube instead of live stream, check us out on YouTube and it's really easy to edit your live stream video on YouTube. You don't have to download anything. So it's all kind of in the cloud in that sense. So that's a great tool. Thanks for sharing that. Isabelle Faletti (01:06:53): Okay. Yes. So we are man, our development team, our tech team over here. They're amazing. I just love them so much. They are always putting out new features, new designs, new color palettes, new images, something new every single week. And we actually just launched a very fun new feature on our flourish plan for the church directory. So for again, those of you who are new to ChurchSpring, or maybe you're not on or top level, the flourish plan, we do have a church management and church directory option for you. So you can have your website, your, your church directory all in one place, so you don't have to be paying for all these different tools. So we just launched a new notes feature. So Ron, if you want to go ahead and yep. You shared your, your screen and give everybody an introduction of what the notes feature is and kind of how it can help them manage their members. Rohn Gibson (01:07:53): Yeah. So super excited about this feature. My co-founder and I, when we started ChurchSpring we have obviously had a vision for church websites and digital communication. But we really felt like God wanted us to do more. And I'm excited about notes even though it may seem like a very small new feature. It can be powerful and it's the beginning, or actually, I don't wanna say the beginning, it's the continuation of the journey that we have to develop a really a, a church management system that is all about people. I'm so super excited about notes wanted to give you a quick demo. So I'm already logged in and you can see here, the screen that I'm on, this is actually the dashboard when you click on people. So if you have the flourish plan like Isabelle, Isabelle said, you can click on people and it will bring you to this page and you can see up here, I've got notifications. Rohn Gibson (01:08:46): So I'm not going to go into every little detail. I was going to hit a couple of highlights for those that maybe don't have this. But it's a sweet dashboard. You can come in here. These are people who've maybe requested access to be included in the church directory. You can accept or decline them. You can get alerts about important dates, whether it be birthdays, anniversaries of baptisms whatever that might be. And then you can just easily quick email, it'll pull up your email program and you can email them happy birthday. So anyway, really cool stuff, but specifically the new feature that we added was notes. So if you have people and you click here, you go to that list that I was just on you click on somebody, you're going to see their contact profile, but then you're going to see a couple of new, exciting things happening up here. Rohn Gibson (01:09:35): And one of those is notes. So notes is a great way for you to be able to come in here. And actually instead of trying to remember everything, let's be honest. I don't know about you guys, but my brain is not the best file cabinet. You're using a billion sticky notes. And then that one sticking out always seems to disappear. That's what happens to me. Yes, yes. Or I wanted to tell another church leader or something, and I forgot to tell them about whatever. So notes can be a powerful thing for you to use in ministry and try to keep all that in. Instead of trying to keep all that in your head, you can use notes. So notes, very simple. You can see here, I've added a note. It says the timestamp here of when it was added. And then if I, or anyone edits, it gives the last timestamp of when that's edited as well as people can comment. Rohn Gibson (01:10:24): So you can see here, I posted a great chat with Peter today. A mass prayer for his uncle was having brain surgery next Friday, then Isabelle, who's also an admin on the on the ChurchSpring platform, your regular users just like your, your people who are in your directory. They're not going to be able to see comments. This is just for those people who are admins they're with your church website and the inside of the church bring platform. So you can say, thanks for sharing Rohn. I will be praying for his uncle, so super simple, but it can be super powerful. So again, I'll just kind of show you how to add a note. This is the new text editor that we launched a couple of weeks ago. That's also included in here. Let's see, my goodness. We have a great group joining us on Live today. Rohn Gibson (01:11:18): Oh, there you go. I can say the comment there it is, Isabelle could then log in, add a comment. I can also go in add a comment and it can be there on that person's profile. So really cool feature. So a couple of use cases, I just gave you one, you've talked to somebody, maybe somebody you spoke with after church. And you're like, you know what? I don't want to forget that when the next time I follow up with them, I want to make sure I can go back and be up to date on our latest conversations. It's not cheating. It's not cheating. It's actually, I don't want to say doing the work, but kind of doing the work to make sure that you're putting in a place you're taking note of it. So you can go back, reference it and let that person know, Hey, it was important to me and I noted it and I'm praying for you. Rohn Gibson (01:12:01): And I want you to know that I care another great thing to do. If I go back to people, let's say you have a visitor come to your church. You can come in here, hit the plus button. I'm just going to say, let's see Christian, I'm going to say curly. Here we go. I'm going to put it in an email. They're a visitor. So I'm just going to select them as a visitor. It was a male. I don't want to include this person in the church directory. Meaning if one of our church members logs into the online church directory, this person will not be listed there because they're not a member yet. So that I can click save. It's going to create a, that person. I'm going to scroll down here a little bit to find it, click on that. And let's say that you spoke with them after the service. Rohn Gibson (01:12:43): And there were some key points of information that they gave. You can come in here had a bad church experience and whatever that, that might be. Unfortunately, I know you all as do I talk to people who say I've had a bad church experience sometime in my life, and you can write notes to write notes about your interaction with them. So then the next time you follow up with them, maybe it's for coffee or lunch or whatever that might be. You can go back, reference those notes and then follow up with them appropriately. So that's our notes feature a couple of ways that you can use it. We also have some really cool stuff coming soon. So we wanted to throw this in there. This is going to be your activity history on this person where it could be phone calls that you're logging anyway. So really cool stuff coming from that perspective. And then prayer. I know that's one of the, the power of prayer. It's one of the tools that God's given us to fight the battles, the spiritual battles that we're in today. And we are super excited to be able to soon bring that into ChurchSpring. So anyway, hopefully that will be benefits to you. And it's going to be a great, great tool that we just continue to build upon. So hopefully that's a blessing and help your ministry. Yeah. Isabelle Faletti (01:14:01): I love that. I'm really excited for the notes feature for, well, for all the reasons that you just covered Rohn. But really for the visitors aspect. So I'm part of the young adult at my team or at my church. And when we get together every month, we say, okay, did anybody talk to the, the new young woman who came to the church? And so then we'll, we'll compare notes in that meeting. But how maybe three weeks ago. And we don't really remember the exact details or again, we're, we're pulling up our, our prayer journal because that's where we scribbled the know after we talked with, with that new young adult. So this is so important just in communication with your team and to make sure that we know how to reach out to, to new visitors and how to continue to love others in community here. So I'm, I'm really excited about that. Topsy, you did ask should the prayer and activity tab still say coming soon as Rohn mentioned, yes, that is coming soon. We also cannot wait for the for the prayer tab. Uwe've been talking about it a lot over here at ChurchSpring and it is going to be out of this world. Rohn Gibson (01:15:09): We share, we share your hurry-up-ness. So we are totally on the same page with you. That's one of the cool things. I mean, our church uses uses it and I'm in it. And it's like, Oh, there's these features I went to. So we're totally with you and man, our team, we're blessed. We are blessed to have an amazing team and we just can't wait to roll out. Not just these features, right? Yeah. The vision of ChurchSpring is very big and it's, it's a God-sized vision. So we're excited to have you on this journey with us and we truly feel blessed to be called to do this. Isabelle Faletti (01:15:45): Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you for all of those who have hung out with us for the past hour and 15 minutes. We do have one last question here about the notes feature from Rosemont Baptist can all admins view notes were, can the person writing the note, make it private? Rohn Gibson (01:16:04): Yeah. So right now, currently, and we say currently, because we knew cause we want it to, so currently everybody who's an admin can see it. One of the big projects that we are going to be working on is related to administrative privileges and privileges. We'll have a lot of different tiers in it. Maybe you have one person that you just want them to be able to manage the website, but not see, you know, certain parts of the people section or see comments. So currently private is not available, however, stay tuned. It's going to become a thing. So, yeah. Isabelle Faletti (01:16:40): And just to add on to that Rosemont Baptist the notes Rohn had mentioned it, but the notes are only visible to website admins. So your church members, when they sign in to the church directory, these notes are not, are not visible to them. So it's, it's private in a sense. But all admins, as Rohn mentioned, they do have access. So then they can add comments and kind of interact with, with that Topsy prayer tab. First we hear you. Thank you. We'll pass that on. Rohn Gibson (01:17:13): Yes. Yeah. And let us know. I mean, in all seriousness, like we, you would not believe the amount of, of toiling that goes over. When we sit down just like you do, and you've got your list, your laundry list of things that you're doing in ministry, and it's like, what am I going to do? We do the same things. Just say, here's all these feature lists that we want to add. And that, that you will are, our members are asking for it actually to sit down and decide. There is just such a painstaking process that we go through to determine what it is that we're going to work on to bring to you. So if you have requests, let us know, like you literally influence the things that get rolled out. We're not sitting here on this, you know high and mighty chair saying, we know what's best for you. And we're only going to give you what's best for you. We really want to hear from you. So Topsy, thank you for that. And I would just encourage others. If there are features that you would like to see please let us know and we literally log them based on and the system that we use to determine then what do we do next? Yeah. So excited about that. Good. At getting somebody else excited about prayer. It's gonna be awesome. Yes, Isabelle Faletti (01:18:25): Exactly. I love that. Hey, just wanted to give a quick reminder that you can watch the rewatch and have access to all the show notes and tips and tools that we gave today. At ChurchSpring.com/csl009. So again, that those resources, those show notes, that'll be updated later this afternoon of Thursday, July 23rd. So make sure to go check that out. Cause I know we gave a lot of information then we want to help you make, make sure that you still feel unstuck. So check that out. I want to give a quick teaser of what we'll be talking about next week, because it's kind of related to what we talked about today with content and equipping members, equipping reaching new, new, new visitors. So if you're listening right now, I want you to be thinking about this question until our live stream next week. Isabelle Faletti (01:19:21): Are you currently using your church website as a discipleship and outreach tool? So are you using your church website as a discipleship and outreach tool? If so, make sure you still come back so that we can give some tips, if not that's okay. Next week, Thursday at 10:00 AM, central time, Thursday, July 30th. We are really going to unpack how you can use your church website to disciple your current church members and really equip them to reach your community. This, we will have a lot of information. I'm really excited about this. This is the, that everything we talked about today, equipping so I make sure Thursday, July 30th, 10:00 AM come back on Facebook or YouTube for our live event. If you do have any questions about that, make sure to submit your questions in the comments of the scheduled event that we'll be posting later this week. Or you can just send us a question at curchspring.Com/Contact. so again, make sure to reach out to any questions you have about today's content or future content. So thank you so much for attending. Rohn and I have just a blast on these ChurchSpring episodes. We are incredibly honored that you are choosing to let us speak into your life and into your ministries life. So God bless and we will see you next week. Rohn Gibson (01:20:52): Yes, God bless everyone. Bye bye.


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